
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Simplicity 7100 - Uncle Sam

Early 1930s.

Check the coverage index (to the left) for more Uncle Sam patterns.  The illustrator seems to have forgotten that our Uncle Sam has only chin whiskers - the slightly fringy mustache is distracting.  But the overall look is consistent with our image of Uncle Sam.  (Though I'm partial to the starry-coated versions myself.)

Remember that at this time Simplicity has only been in business a few years and is still marketing the practicality and economy of its patterns. But alongside the practical three-in-one patterns for pajamas, aprons, rompers, and house dresses, the company thought it worthwhile to offer Colonial Cut-out Patterns for Social Functions.

The United States had had its 150th birthday a few years earlier in 1926, so Uncle Sam was much in the popular imagination, and not only in the United States; in January1929 he made an appearance at a New Zealand costume ball.  Remember that January is high summer in Australia; I hope Uncle was provided with many glasses of punch.

The instructions for this Uncle Sam Suit are printed on one side of a single sheet of paper only marginally thicker than the pattern tissue.  Here's a sample; get out your magnifying glass and pay attention!

I wonder how many worn out top hats were given a coat of white house paint and a nice blue ribbon to finish off the look in time for the 4th of July parade.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a treasure! I just want to thank you for sharing.


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