
Friday, August 6, 2010

Butterick 3120 - Women's and Misses' Hospital Gown


Patterns for hospital wear still up now and again in the backs of the big pattern catalogs, but they don't stay in print very long and can be hard to find.  Really, this is just a nightgown pattern cut off short and modified to tie in the back, but wouldn't it be comforting to go into the hospital supplied with gowns that somebody who cared about you had made?  And wouldn't it also provide some measure of comfort and purpose to the maker to have done something so useful?


  1. I love these. Patterns like this make great nightgowns or loungers.

  2. This is a great little pattern, albeit a little "fancy" for the hospital! But I suppose everything was a little fancier back then (which I sometimes long for.) I stumbled over here to look as I actually do just that, create beautiful hospital gowns to help brighten a hospital stay. It does make people feel better, including me. It's a good thing.
    Thanks for sharing this pattern!


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